If you’re new to the world of tennis, you might be asking yourself, “Is it worth buying a tennis ball machine?”. The answer to that question isn’t as straightforward as you might think. There are many different questions you must ask yourself before taking the plunge and buying a tennis ball machine.
So, as you read on, just remember that everyone is at a different place in their tennis game. Also, not everyone lives in the same place with the same climate, and that means some people will get more use out of their tennis ball machines than others.
What is a tennis ball machine?
A tennis ball machine is a device that shoots out tennis balls. That might be a little simplistic, but basically, that’s what a tennis ball machine does. It’s a machine that shoots out tennis balls so you can practice your swing without having anyone to play with.
You can dial in how fast and how frequently you want the tennis balls to be shot out. If you want the tennis balls to be shot out quickly, you can change the settings. Some tennis players really enjoy the fast volleys that turning up the tennis ball machine can deliver.
Where tennis ball machines really shine is for players who don’t have anyone to practice with. If you find yourself on the court alone, more often than not, a tennis ball machine will come in handy. It will enable you to work on your game without anyone around. It’s always a great way to work on your different shots, even if you have a steady practice partner.
You might be surprised to learn that the first tennis ball machine was invented in the 1920s. It was a gasoline-powered machine with a hopper attached to it. The machine propelled balls toward players at random intervals with no control from the end user.
As you can imagine, that meant the tennis ball machine could speed up or slow down at will, creating a sense of comedic havoc for anyone not on the other end of it.
Rene Lacoste, in collaboration with Dunlop later in the 1920s, improved on the existing tennis ball machines. Now, there was an experienced tennis player behind the helm, and they could provide feedback for the entire process. Still, the machines were a little edgy but a whole lot better than the spray and pray machines from just a few years earlier.
It wasn’t until after World War II that we saw the spread of electric tennis ball machines. Companies like Volley (which later became Wilson) and Playmate started manufacturing electric tennis ball machines that could replicate specific shots.
Now, players could use the tennis ball machine to work on their shots that needed more practice. These electric machines had programmable yet basic computers onboard.
We’re talking about the late 1940s and early 1950s. They didn’t have iPhone technology back then, but this was still state of the art. Never before could you use a machine to help you along with your tennis game.
Today, tennis ball machines are highly programmable, and you can set the speed, frequency, and type of shots that you want to practice. It’s the closest thing you can have on the tennis court as a practice partner short of a robot.
The tennis ball machine of today may have some things in common with its forefathers, but make no mistake; they’re as advanced as the device you’re reading this on. You’ll notice that right away when you first begin using a machine.
The latest technology allows you to dial everything in, making sure that every part of your game that needs work gets it. If your backhand needs improvement, tweak the ball machine, and you can backhand until you run out of tennis balls.
Why you need a tennis ball machine?
The main reason why you need a tennis ball machine is so that you can practice your game without having a partner. Sometimes, you may want to work on something specific without having anyone around.
It can be frustrating to constantly practice with a partner because they might not be consistent. The person may not be in the mood to keep hitting forehand shots to you. How long can a practice partner do the same thing repeatedly before they start to lose focus?
Your coach can zero in on the exact parts of your game that need improving, and you can set your ball machine to do just that. Now, you aren’t forced to focus on only what’s coming at you randomly, but you can hone your practice according to your needs.
Repetitive practice is about more than just improving those aspects of your game, it also helps mold your muscles more. You’re building strength in areas of your body where you need it the most. Weak players often have soft spots that are the result of not continuously practicing and building up muscle mass.
You’ll notice a change in your flexibility and your ability to bounce back quickly in the face of adversity on the court. Your muscles have memory, and as silly as it sounds, they’ll remember the intense workouts helped by the tennis ball machine.
Endurance is the name of the game when you’re in the middle of a long, really. How do you build up endurance? You do so by keeping your body in motion. A tennis ball machine makes sure that you’re on your toes at all times.
You might not think that endurance is a benefit from one of these machines, but it is. You’re constantly hitting balls, and that is a strain on your body. The more strain, the stronger you become, and you’re able to endure longer rallies without getting winded.
A high-quality tennis ball machine can also simulate real-world tennis situations. These real-life simulations include baseline rallies, volleys, and lobs. You can even practice specific shots like topspin forehands or backhand slices.
How would your game improve if you could spend an hour a day working on nothing but topspin forehands? You would have an advantage over all the other tennis players who don’t have the luxury of being able to work on that specific part of their game.
Advanced players will love the fact that they can go through complex drills and advanced strategies. The drills help you react without having to think in the middle of a game because you’ve practiced everything a thousand times before.
You get to hone each of your skills in a way that turns you into a tennis-playing machine. No one has the ability to practice all of these aspects of their game unless they have a trainer who’s willing to play with them every day.
Also, don’t forget that your tennis ball machine never takes a day off. It can’t get sick, oversleep, or decide that it just doesn’t want to practice today. Any time you feel like hitting the court, your tennis ball machine will be right there, ensuring that you get the practice your game deserves.
How much does a tennis ball machine cost?
Well, it’s like asking how long a piece of string is. The price of a tennis ball machine depends on the quality and features you choose. You can buy a lower-quality tennis ball machine with very few features for $1,000.
You might be surprised to learn that a super high-quality tennis ball machine might cost up to $5,000. It sounds like a lot of money, but if you’re a professional tennis player or the owner of a tennis facility, it’s a small price to pay for perfection.
So, what are the factors that come into play when it comes to how much a tennis ball machine costs? Let’s take a look at them and explore each of the factors.
The skill level and feature settings are probably one of the top drivers of costs. The more advanced the feature settings, the higher, the more the tennis ball machine will cost.
These features enable you to dial in exactly what you want to practice and the intensity. A good ball machine will enable you to practice a wide variety of aspects of your game and not just one or two.
The next factor in the price is the customizable aspect of the features. So, it’s not only important that the features exist, but you must be able to dial them into your exact desires.
You might find that if the machine doesn’t offer the ability to customize the features, you’ll quickly outgrow the current settings, and they will no longer challenge you.
The speed, spin, and the ability to oscillation capabilities of the machine also drive up cost. The machine will be more costly if you can gradually dial in the machine’s ability to oscillate, its ability to create spin, and the speed at which the balls come out.
Size and portability are another factor. If you’re buying the machine for a tennis facility, you might not care so much since it will always be on the court. However, if you’re buying a tennis ball machine to take with you, you’ll want something that will easily fit in your vehicle.
The number of tennis balls the machine holds also plays a role in its cost. Cheaper models may only hold 70 to 100 balls, while more expensive machines might be able to hold up to 225 tennis balls.
A prime example of a lower-end tennis ball machine is the Spinshot Plus. It’ll run you about $1,000 new.
The features of the Spinshot Plus are that it holds 120 balls and it shoots out balls at speeds ranging from 19-68 MPH. It has five oscillation modes and allows for elevation control using the electronic panel.
A great example of a high-end tennis ball machine is the Lobster Phenom Two Electric Ball Machine. It runs just over $4,000 and has quite a few features.
You can fully program this model to do pretty much whatever you want. It comes right out of the box with 18 shot locations, six pre-programmed drills, and various oscillation options. It can also hold up to 250 tennis balls.
You’ll also be surprised to learn that it has a wide variety of speeds that it can shoot out balls. You can mix up the speeds while using the machine to keep yourself on guard at all times so you don’t become lazy during your practices.
Pros and cons of tennis ball machine
As with anything in life, there are pros and cons to owning a tennis ball machine. Let’s take a look at both the pros and cons while breaking them down into language that everyone can understand.
You can customize your practice routine
You’re in total control of your practices (as long as you have a highly adjustable model) if you use a tennis ball machine. You can control the speed, direction, spin, and height to simulate real playing conditions.
You or your coach can determine what areas you need more work in, and you can set up your practice routines accordingly. Your game will improve much faster if you can zero in on the weak aspects of your game.
Constant repetitve training
You get to work on the same shots hundreds if not thousands of times. The benefit of this is that you’ll automatically react to them appropriately in the real world when they come about.
It’s impossible to get this sort of repetitive training with a real person because no person is as consistent as a machine. You can set the speed, spin, and everything else so you have a consistent practice partner.
Your stamina and endurance will improve
There’s only one way to increase your stamina and endurance, and that is to be on the court. You need to be out there hitting balls and moving around. Muscles that aren’t in use will get weak over time.
You’ll notice within a few weeks that you’re able to play for longer periods without getting tired quickly. You’ll also notice your strength increasing as well since the more you swing your racquet, the stronger your arms will become.
It’s super convenient to practice
You never know when your friends can hit the court or if your coach is available. You can practice your game as long as the tennis court is available if you have a machine.
Sometimes, it can be next to impossible to find someone to practice with. That’s never a problem as long as your tennis ball machine is spitting out balls as fast as you can swat them.
You’ll save money in the long run
Yes, it sounds odd, but you’ll save money in the long run if you buy a tennis ball machine. How? Tennis coaches are expensive, and you have to pay them by the hour.
You only have to pay for your tennis ball machine once. The first year you use your tennis ball machine, it will pay for itself if you’re the type who has weekly coaching sessions.
Life wouldn’t be complete without having plenty of cons to anything. Even something as delicious as ice cream has cons. So, let’s take a look at the cons of owning a tennis ball machine.
High upfront costs
There’s no way of getting around it; a tennis ball machine is expensive. You’ll have to plop down at least a thousand dollars to get one.
You might be able to find a used tennis ball machine for several hundred dollars, but buyer beware. You get what you pay for and could end up getting a hold of a lemon without a warranty.
You’ll lack real opponent experience
Okay, so this is a con, but it’s kind of expected. As you’re aware, you’re not playing against a human when you’re using a tennis ball machine. After all, it’s a machine.
People are unpredictable, and yes, machines can be predictable. You can set most machines to be unpredictable, but it’s not like playing against a human.
The unpredictableness of a human is something that’s so unique that it will throw you off guard at first if you rarely play against another human. Also, you’ll have to play long rallies against a human that will test your stamina and mental focus.
Higher-end models can be difficult to transport
Cheaper models are easier to take with you because they have fewer features. The more features a tennis ball machine has, the more innards that there are.
If you’re transporting your machine to and from the court every time, it can be quite a hassle. You could find yourself needing some help just to get the thing up and running.
Maintenance and repairs
Nothing lasts forever, and the same is true with a tennis ball machine. You’ll need to perform routine maintenance on your ball machine.
Repairs are needed from time to time, and most of you aren’t going to be able to do them yourselves. You’ll need to hire a professional, and that will be costly and possibly time-consuming.
You’ll have to pick up all the balls
Let’s say that you have a high-end machine that can hold up to 250 balls. You’ll need to pick up every one of the 250 balls to reload the machine.
Don’t think you’re out of the woods if you buy a lower-end model because you still have to fill it up with at least 100-plus balls.
If you plan on practicing for several hours, you might find yourself reloading your machine several times. Let’s not forget that you’ll need to gather up the balls before you leave. That’s a lot of work, and you’ll have to do it all yourself.
Where to buy high quality and cheap tennis ball machine?
If you’re in the market to buy a high-quality cheap tennis ball machine, you’re in good luck because they’re not hard to find.
Let’s first talk about where you can buy tennis ball machines locally, and then we can turn our attention to where you can buy them online.
Dick's Sporting Goods
You’ve probably been to Dick's Sporting Goods in the past month to pick up tennis balls and whatnot. You can buy tennis ball machines there, even if you don’t see them.
You might have to ask the manager or poke around the store a little, but you can buy tennis ball machines at Dick's Sporting Goods. You should be aware that the store doesn’t always have them on the floor, but it is possible for them to order a machine and have it sent to them.
You can also check out their website to see what they have. Almost everyone reading this is within a stone’s throw of Dick's Sporting Goods, and it’s your best bet if you want to buy local.
Academy Sports + Outdoors
Academy Sports + Outdoors isn’t as well known as Dick’s, but it’s still a fairly popular sporting goods store. If you’re unsure if there’s one near you, throw the name in Google and type in “near me” to see if there’s one near you.
You’ll find that Academy Sports + Outdoors has competitive prices compared to Dick’s, and their selection of tennis equipment is similar. If you’re fortunate enough to have both sporting goods retailers in your area, stop in both and see what they offer. You might be able to find a better deal at one or the other.
Your local tennis shop
You should always support your local tennis shops when you can. It’s not easy for small businesses to stay afloat in today’s world.
No one is suggesting that you pay through the nose for a tennis ball machine if you can avoid it. However, there may be some situations where it makes sense to go through a local tennis shop as opposed to a big box store.
You might be able to find used tennis ball machines at your local tennis shop. Also, since we’re talking about a very niche item, the markup may be minimal on new machines compared to the humongous stores.
Another benefit of purchasing your machine through your local retailer is they may offer servicing that the bigger stores won’t. So, if something goes wrong, you’ll be able to call them for any help you need.
Where to buy your tennis ball machine online
You can find just about anything on Amazon, and that includes tennis ball machines. Just type in tennis ball machine in the search bar and let the clicking begin.
You’ll want to read reviews and make sure you do follow-up research before buying anything as pricey as a tennis ball machine on Amazon.
Tennis Warehouse
If you’re a tennis buff, you know about Tennis Warehouse. The Tennis Warehouse is one of the most famous places online to buy tennis gear.
You can buy anything that you need here, not just tennis ball machines. If you’ve never been to Tennis Warehouse, you’re in for a real treat, and you’ll find that their prices are really competitive.
Tennis Express
Tennis Express is much like Tennis Warehouse in the fact they have pretty much everything a tennis player could ever want. You’ll find everything from shoes to racquets to tennis ball machines here.
Tennis Express is a well-respected and widely known online retailer. The site is easy to use, and you’ll find that their prices are comparable to Tennis Warehouse.
Okay, so technically, eBay is the best place to buy a used tennis ball machine online. Sure, you can buy new machines, but used machines are what most people use eBay for.
It’s a good idea to buy locally if you’re going to purchase a used machine from eBay. Why? You want to make sure that you get to see the machine in action before paying for it.
If you feel the seller is trustworthy and the price is right, buying the machine unseen might be okay. Just remember it’s going to cost quite a bit to send the machine through the mail. So, if you’re trying to save money by buying a used machine, going local is probably the best route.
So, to answer the question, is it worth buying a tennis ball machine? The answer is, well, it still depends. If you’re an avid tennis player who takes their game seriously, then yes, it is worth it. If you’re the average Joe who hits balls back and forth with your friends on Saturday mornings, it’s probably best to stick to playing with people.
It all boils down to how seriously you take your game. If you’re trying to level up or if you’re a serious player who wants to go to the next level, then, of course, it makes sense to invest in a tennis ball machine. The skills you develop after purchasing your machine will last throughout the years as you battle it out on the tennis court.